Home > Authors > Quito Nicolaas
Quito Nicolaas
Writer/Poet (The Netherlands)
Eclips Politico/Political Eclipse (poetry) Uitgeverij Charuba, 40 pag/1990.
Ilusion Optico/Optical Illusion (poetry), Uitgeverij Charuba, 50 pag/1995.
Destino/Destiny (poetry), Uitgeverij Excalibur, 70 pag/2000.
Gerede Twijfels/Reasonable Doubts(poetry), Uitgeverij Excalibur, 103 pag/ 2002
Tera di Silencio/Land of Silence(novel), Uitgeverij Excalibur, 312 pag/ 2004.
Atardi di Antaño/Yesterday’s evenings (poetry), Uitgeverij SL, 150 pag/2005
Alameda(short stories), Uitgeverij SL, 120 p./2008.
Verborgen leegte/Hidden Emptyness (novel), BookIsh Publishers, 325 p./2010.
Bos pa Planta/Constructing Voices (poetry), BookIsh Publishers, 2011.
Sombra di recuerdo/Shadow memories (novel) ), BookIsh Publishers, 2013.
Dichters onder de zon/Poets under the sun,
Cultureel Centrum Corossia, Almere, 15 november 2006.
Papiamentstalig proza/ Papiamento Prose,
University of Amsterdam, 23 april 2007
Eeuwige stem uit het verleden/Ancient voices in the past,
Den Haag, 16 november 2007.
Status Aparte: Politieke en literaire ontwikkeling,
Almere, 16 maart 2008.
City of Hope, Writers & Poets in San Nicolas.
Utrecht, 31 maart 2008.
Behind Literary Shadows
In Between the islands conference, Curaçao 5-9 nov. 2008
Historical novels: The battle for the reader.
Internationaal symposium Historische romans, Amsterdam 19 september 2009.
The Rise of Migrant Literature.
Caribbean Lagoon, Utrecht 6 december 2009.
How to identify Aruban literature.
University of St. Martin, 5 juni 2010
Futher info about the author: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quito_Nicolaas